
Posts Tagged ‘argyle’

I decided to knit an argyle scarf in the hope of making it a quick Christmas gift in 2007. I remembered spotting a stylish argyle scarf from the (then) just-published Son of a Stitch n’ Bitch and decided to take that as a reference to knitted one. But soon after I realised that it was far from the right project to suit that purpose! This was what it looked like before the end of 2007:
argyle scarf take 2

Occasionally, I was carrying this scarf with me, trying to finish it off for different important dates (V-day, b-day and those alike). But more than often I was playing catch-up with it after those dates, such as the post-b-day effort captured here:
knitting the double-knit argyle scarf

Fast forward. One year and one Christmas passed, and it remained unfinished. I put the blame on me disliking the double-knitting technique! When I returned to London in January, I decided to tackle it again for yet another important date. The date was in mid-January, so it means I had to knit the scarf on the move. To accomomdate to purpose, I replaced the pair of Surina rosewood needles that I used for the project to a pair of Lantern Moon circular. To my surprise, the change of needles made huge impact on my progress, and the scarf got lenghtehed quickly!!!

Argyle scarf

I was so glad that finally I’d be able to keep my words and got it ready for Dr Wang’s graduation ceremony at Royal Festical Hall! 😀

The scarf is handsome and warm, and I would recommend knitting it as a scarf for me. However I won’t do double knitting in the near future I am sure.

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It’s been a long while since I posted my last entry, and Christmas is coming next week!?

I’ve been knitting and writing, but it always seems time flied pretty quick. I just hope that all my WIPs will be finished by the time we say goodbye to 2007, and I’ll cast on the Ranoch dress as my first 2008 project.

However, at this moment, I wish I can finish at least four of my Christmas knits. These are: a daisy scarf (I’ve done one for myself–how pretty!), a dotty vest, a pair of lacy socks, and a double knitting argyle scarf.

I know I’d like to knit an argyle scarf in two tones for J. I started by looking around Ravelry before I set out to chart a pattern of my own design. But the search result brought me a big surprise, because this one, the uncle argyle scarf, was exactly what I wanted! so why spent time designing a different pattern?

While I merrily took out yarns I reserved for this gift, it stroke me: what am I suppose to hide the running thread on the wrong side? Before long, I realised that this design is meant for Double Knitting! no wonder people are showing two different background colours for the same project!!

I’ve never done double knitting before (for many reasons that will need a long entry to explain), but since my mind’s been set on this argyle pattern, I decided to give this pattern and double knitting a try first before brushing it away with another argyle of my design. So I charted the pattern, then figure out what would be best for this project–slip one knit one one side and then slip one knit one back? or doing one row at the same time? It’s quite easy to choose, right?

This photo shows how it goes:
Christmas knits

I know, there were “mistakes.” Usually I won’t tolerate one single error but, but it grows so slow and I need it to be done very soon! I decided that no time for frogging, and believe J wouldn’t notice. 😀 You can imagine the other side: it is blue in the background with mustard diamonds.

The one underneath the argule scarf is the daisy Scarf I made for Y’s mom, and the one on the left is the dotty vest for bf.

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